Mother of Wolves by Zoe Brooks

wolves cover medium_2★★★★★ Lupa is small in stature and loves her husband and sons very much. But by no means is she the unintelligent, meek woman she seems. When she makes a promise she keeps it and nothing will stand in her way.

I thoroughly enjoyed the way this book drew the reader in slowly and wouldn’t let go. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the set-up but it was worth reading every page. Different cultures clash, and deceit and disloyalty sets Lupa on a path of vengeance, seeking out those who have betrayed her. She finds strength in her identity and as the “Mother of Wolves” protects her cubs from danger.

Lupa’s character is strong and unwavering when she needs to be. The reader is taken along on the journey as she morphs from an obedient wife into a Queen who exacts revenge. She is tiny but towers over men. She is quiet but commands attention. She is complaisant but is able to form a diabolical plot to ruin those who have wronged her family.

Buy the book only if you’re able to keep reading – you won’t be able to put it down!

Want to know more about Zoe Brooks?  Check out these sites!

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