Six-Pack of Blood by Betty Dravis & Barbara Watkins


Tales From the Crypt Move Over for Six-Pack of Blood!

Tales from the Crypt was perhaps one of my favorite television programs, lining up with the likes of Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Outer Limits.  I love to be scared.  One of my favorite memories was listening to bone-chilling tales around a campfire and feeling the goosebumps and the sense of something very scary hovering around.  I was terrified of the book “The Amityville Horror” and spent a few sleepless nights after reading it.  Betty Dravis and Barbara Watkins are superb in the horror genre.  I loved the short-story format, but I couldn’t read just one.  Each tale was more horrifying than it’s predecessor and demanded to be read and experienced.  This is true horror fiction at its best.  Bring a sweater because these stories will chill you to the bone!  I cannot wait to read this book again and again.  Please, please, give us more!

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